Brexit services - How to prepare?
CustomsPro has been following the evolution on Brexit since the invoking of art. 50 by the UK on March 29, 2017. What at first seems unthinkable, actually happened: the UK is to leave the EU. To date, nobody (especially the British government) has an idea where this is exactly leading to. Despite this fact, companies can already prepare for the inevitable.
Insecurity/ambiguityTwo years time to arrange for the actual separation at first seemed a long time. However, the UK political land scape and the lack of acceptance (and knowledge) of the consequences of leaving the EU, have led to almost 1,5 years of immobility in the Brexit process. Meanwhile, companies are in the dark as to which form of cooperation, if any, will exist after March 29, 2019.
Today, there is only a couple of months left to the deadline. If we also consider the political process in which parliaments should vote for a deal, time is even shorter. A deal should be reached before March 29, 2018 to avoid a no-deal Brexit.
Transition period?
Such a deal, any deal, would also trigger a 'stand still' period (no changes to the current way of working). This period would expire December 31, 2020 and should provide for extra time to arrange for an orderly separation.